Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Well Done Malaysians!!!

Not talking about our Malaysian athletes participating in the SEA Games though their performance and achievements do make us proud.I'm actually referring to Malaysian who have this enormous desire to be the best among the worst!

  • The best in beating red lights,
  • The best in making a minor road congestion into a major traffic jam,
  • The best in making life miserable for emergency vehicle driver, 
Should I go on?We are moving towards becoming a developed nation,we want to be among the first to receive new technology,we consider ourselves tech savvy people,yet we act like uncivilized people when on the road.It is a sad thing of what we have become but a problem that is not unsolvable but needed collective effort from everybody.The law enforcer are there to enforce the law,but we ourselves must know and understand the law and do our very best to follow it,not just learn the law to get our driving licence.

Come on Malaysian..lets prove that Malaysia Boleh is not just a moniker but something that really drove us to achieve our goals,make our road safe by being a responsible person.. 


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