Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Plan To Fail If You Fail To Plan..

No matter what you want to do,it is better to plan it properly.Even things that is properly planned sometimes faces problems and difficulties.While we are in school,every year we will be given the timetable,so we can plan ahead on which book to bring on that particular day,and when to do our homework.Planning can also become a career to some,wedding planners,production planners and etc.

If you want to start a business,make sure you make a proper planning before you start.To be successful in business is not just about having a good product or competitive pricing,you need a good business plan.I work as a Freelance Business Consultant,my job requires me to help setup a new business or help a business overcome its problems.Setting up a new business is easier because I can start from scratch and I can give ideas and propose what is best for the business,prepare a business plan as a guide.Helping a business overcome a problem is much more complicated because the business is already running,you have to deal with the owner,the management,the employee,the culture and lots of other things,the biggest of all is the EGO.

I don't want to go into details of making a proper plan or how to develop your business plan,this is not what this blog is about,but just want to share something that happen in this last few weeks of November,regarding 2 restaurant business in 2 different part of my country.

1st restaurant is an open area with a factory size floor area specializing in grill seafood with about 30 to 40 tables and can cater to about 120 to 150 customers at one time.The problem is,the management must have forgot to take into consideration the time it needs to prepare the seafood and how long to cook it because most customer have to wait for about 40 to 60 minutes for their food to arrived,especially the grilled ones.The food is quite good because the recipe is different from other restaurant that offered grilled seafood,but customer will be turn away by the long waiting time,and another problem is customer getting different orders.The waiters tend to mixed up customers orders.

Second restaurant is a normal restaurant specializing in Beryiani.Here the food is average,the problem is with the service.I ordered Iced Tea and the waiter asked hot or cold?I don't know whether to laugh or to be mad,so I just say politely,cold of course.Then the drinks came and he send me a Hot Tea,so I said,I ordered Iced Tea,he replied,I have already told the guy who prepare the drinks the customer ordered Iced Tea!yet he still bring the Hot Tea.I cannot blame the waiter for being stupid but I put the blame on the owner for not training the staff properly especially the front-line staff like waiter/waitress and cashiers,who will engaged with customers in delivering their duties.

Most restaurant owners here put more emphasis on the outlook of their restaurant,and believe their food is as good as any other restaurant around if not better,but failed to plan properly on how to train their front-line employee because a bad service  will leave a bad taste no matter how good your food is.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Well Done Malaysians!!!

Not talking about our Malaysian athletes participating in the SEA Games though their performance and achievements do make us proud.I'm actually referring to Malaysian who have this enormous desire to be the best among the worst!

  • The best in beating red lights,
  • The best in making a minor road congestion into a major traffic jam,
  • The best in making life miserable for emergency vehicle driver, 
Should I go on?We are moving towards becoming a developed nation,we want to be among the first to receive new technology,we consider ourselves tech savvy people,yet we act like uncivilized people when on the road.It is a sad thing of what we have become but a problem that is not unsolvable but needed collective effort from everybody.The law enforcer are there to enforce the law,but we ourselves must know and understand the law and do our very best to follow it,not just learn the law to get our driving licence.

Come on Malaysian..lets prove that Malaysia Boleh is not just a moniker but something that really drove us to achieve our goals,make our road safe by being a responsible person.. 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Special Day

Birthday,Anniversary,Mothers Day,Fathers Day..a special day to celebrate a special occasion every year.Do we really need a special day to announce our love,our thoughts to people who are special to us?

When is the last time you tell your husband/wife or mother/father you love them?When is the last time you kiss your husband/wife or your mother/father?When is the last time you do something to show your appreciation to your husband/wife or mother/father?Their birthdays?Mothers Day?Fathers Day?Your Anniversary?Your Parents Anniversary?

Do you know when is your mother and father birthdays,and what year?For married couple,do you know your mother in law and father in law birthdays,and what year?

I try to be a good son to my parents.I wish I could do more,because I know no matter how much time I spend with them,no matter how much love I showed them,how much money I give them..it just won't be the same with the amount of time,money and love they showered you with while bringing you up until now.

When we were growing up,our parents will do their best to give everything to fulfill our needs.They bought toys for us to play with,prepare food for us to eat and they make sure we eat good food so we grow up healthy,sent us to school,universities.In short they attend to all our needs.Our parents never ask us to give back what they have given us,treat them how they treat us,but after growing up and we our self become adults,we should know how to repay them,but instead some of us forget or choose to forget.We prefer to do things that fulfill our needs and satisfaction.We seldom visit our parents,maybe distance is the reason but in this modern days of voice calls,video calls,can we give excuse of not calling our parents,at least once a week?

When we want something from our parents,we want them to give it to us then and there,but now,when our parents wanted something from us,which I am sure is not something that happen very often,do we do it or give it to them then and there too,or do we give excuse just to get away from it,or we still do it but on our own sweet time?From simple chores like do the laundry,take out the garbage,wash the dishes to can you send me to the clinic,can you take me to the bank,can you help me with the groceries..how often do we help our parents?To some of us,even when asked to do something we find it hard to do,being able to offer to do something for our parents is maybe out of the question!

Even a call to ask how they are can light up their day,just imagine how they would feel if you come to visit,take them out shopping,take them for dinner.Appreciate your parents because we are who we are today thanks to them.We never ask for their love but still they showered it upon us everyday,now it is our turn to return the favour.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I've been smoking since I'm 15..I'm 43 now..damn..I've been burning my lungs for more than half of my life..wonder how it looks?I'm clean now..I've quit for good end of 2009..promise my wife I'll quit before we tie the knot in 2010..wow..the power of love..

People say to quit is hard..you need support,especially from loved ones,friends,colleagues..some have to go through therapy,counselling,buy products to kick the addiction..1001 and reason for not quitting.Me..looking at my pack of cigarette,just say to my self..once I finish the last stick,that will be my last..forever..and that is what i did..I quit just like that..no one knows I quit,not my family,not my fiance,not my colleagues..not nobody..Just me making a promise to myself..

We are stronger than what we actually know..it is just the matter of having the faith and will to do it..We don't need people to tell us that we can do it,that we are strong enough to do it..We must tell our self we can do it,we are strong enough..if we can do that..nothing else matters..

The reason we still don't quit is because we keep on giving excuse for not quitting..if you want to quit..just do it..just like when you first start..nobody pushes you..so why need the push when you want to quit?

If you want to do something..do it because you really want to do it,do it for your self..don't do it for anybody else or for any other reason..because the pleasure of achieving what you really want to do is priceless..